Wednesday, June 26, 2013

U.S. Children's Poet Laureate, a Poetry Line Generator, and Packin' Up for Camp

So little to say and so much time.

Scratch that. Reverse it.

(Did you catch my nod to Gene Wilder's version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Love it.)

First, a poem.

Did you know that a long time ago I dug myself into a big debt-ridden hole to get an MFA in poetry? Did you also know that I probably haven't written a real live, workshopped poem in about six years? Poetry is so....difficult now. Writing MG adventures and sending my characters up a beanstalk is...well, it's not difficult.

But the past week and a half, I've pushed the kids in Creative Writing Camp to write poem after poem and I miss it. Just a little.

And when I went to pen my own grand opus, the poem just didn't want to flow. I happened to find this handy dandy line generator at Poets Online. The lines are a bit stuffy and packed full of words like lovers, death, ocean, and regret. But whatever. So are poets.

Here's the line I pulled: In the air of the soul the leaves echo,  

Good Riddance

In the air
of the soul
the leaves echo
dry, crackling
as they burn in
the white fire of my heart.

it beats
and the leaves
are reminders
of you
and you are an echo
but soon you will

--Megan Applegate (2013)

In other news, Kenn Nesbitt was named Children's Poet Laureate this month. Can I just say "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!??" He's such a giving writer in person and on his web site. It's packed FULL of poems and ideas for writing with and for kids. I'm super happy!

And then, we're less than a week from Camp Nanowrimo. Which is basically NANOWRIMO in July. I've signed in and picked a virtual cabin. All ready to being a spastic sprint to 50,000 words on a YA idea I've been brewing.

Hope the words are free in your world!

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