Thursday, April 11, 2013

meet "mouse hugo"

there are many reasons i am not an artist. 

i'm too influenced by cute illustrations i like. i don't have the patience to learn to illustrate on computer. and i'm a writer. i'm too old to learn to draw well enough to complement the words at this point. but sometimes, a character will not come out on the page until you give him a face. thankfully, it's only been picture book characters so far and not real, adult characters. that would creep me out a bit.

i call him "mouse hugo" and i have no idea why he's got himself an outrrrrrageous french accent. he's holding a flower, but maybe a pastry of some sort would have served him better. but i cannot draw pastries or cakes or muffins of any sort. so gerbera daisy it is.

do you know another reason i am not an artist? have you ever seen the supplies of professional artists? they are not afraid of getting things mixed together and untidy. i, on the other hand, have a conniption when my watercolors run together. i have to pull paper towels out and clean the crevasses between paint pots before i can rest easy.

 and did anyone else notice that mouse hugo has no whiskers?

poor mouse hugo.

writer it is...

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